Semester finals are always very stressful and demanding. Students are forced to do many things in a small period of time, which isn't easy (nor pleasant) and requires a lot of energy. In order to forget for a while about all those duties and finally do something for myself, I've recently signed up to zumba classes. It's pretty surprising, even for me, that I decided to spend my free time in an active way. I am certainly unused to exercise, but I actually find these hour-long classes quite enjoyable. It turns out to be a great way to get rid of all bad emotions that I feel after a tiring week at the university. Zumba triggers positive energy and really motivates me to work. I suppose I would get frantic if I had to spend all days buried in books and academic articles, so Zumba seems to be the perfect solution. These classes allow me to feel free, happy and relaxed for a moment. Obviously, nothing lasts forever and I must eventually go back to my tasks. I hope I will be eager enough to study and I will somehow survive this difficult time. Keep your fingers crossed!
ZUMBA is excellent! Make sure you keep it up - so many people drop out, usually in mid February. That's as long as they can stick to their New Year resolutions ;)