Wednesday, 26 March 2014

03. PYRKON 2014

For those, who don't know what Pyrkon is. --> CLICK

For the first time in my life, I had a chance to take part in such an event and I must admit that it was a really fascinating experience. In comparison to other people who came there, I'm not so crazy about fantasy stuff, but I quite like films and books touching on this subject. It was a great opportunity to learn something more about it. There were so many attractions, every participant could find something suitable for himself/herself. Reading books is my big passion, that's why I spent most of my time in the literature zone. I even bought Jarosław Grzędowicz's novel and I can hardly wait to read it. I suppose that if I had more money, I would have bought more things, but I could afford only to purchase a book and a t-shirt with Yoda - one of my favourite film characters. After a small shopping I spent about 3 hours playing games with my friends. I think it was the most popular part of the whole event, it was extremely hard to find a free table! Nevertheless, people seemed to enjoy their time. One does not simply visit Pyrkon without taking tons of pictures. So didn't I. I took a lot of photos, as a token of my first time ever visit to such an event. In conclusion - Pyrkon turned out to be an unusual experience and I will surely return there next year. 

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

02. A small review.

Watching films is one of my favourite activities, so when a few weeks ago Natalia had offered an outgoing to the cinema, I immediately agreed. For the reason that we both are really keen on history, we didn't have any problems with choosing a film - "Kamienie na szaniec" was a perfect option for us. This movie is an adaptation of the book by Aleksander Kamiński. I read this novel about 6 years ago and I forgot most of plots, so I got a chance to recall the story. Before watching the film, I acquainted myself with the reviews. I was a little disappointed, because I've read some unfavourable opinions about this production. Despite this fact I decided to watch it and I don't regret. The showing was really good, there were some touching and brutal scenes, which made a good impression on me. I really enjoyed the playing of all actors, but my favourite character was definetely "Rudy" - he was the most convincing in his role. On the other hand, a lot of threads were left out or shown quite differently than in the book. For me, it was much more intriguing and spectacular in the Kamiński's novel than in the movie. To sum up - I can easily recommend this film, it is totally worth watching, although those who like the book might be not satisfied enough. 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

01. It's always hard to begin.

Et voilà! This is my blog in English. I've been organising everything on this website for 2 hours and I hope that writing posts will be less time-consuming. Let's check it.

Today, for the first time, I felt that spring is coming very quickly. The weather encouraged me to go out and to spend some time in an active way. The name of this blog suggests that I'm lazy, which is true, but sometimes I want to do something more than lying on my bed and watching TV. It was sunny and warm outside, so I thought: it's a perfect day to ride a bike! My dad agreed to join me, so we took our old bikes and went outside. We spent only an hour riding through the forest, but it made me feel like I could do anything, I was full of energy. We returned tired, but we were happy and satisfied, because we didn't spend another afternoon doing nothing. I intend to repeat that next weekend, I need this kind of activity after a hard, tiring week at university.

Fortunately, writing posts takes only a few minutes. What is more, I think it would be a pleasant duty for me, because I really like to create something new. I hope I will be motivated to do it once a week. ;)