Friday, 3 October 2014

10. All good things come to an end.

Yes, it has happened – holidays are over and it’s time to come back to studying. Those three months went by so quickly! Of course, I didin’t realize my plans about writing blog in summer (I’m so predictible in my laziness). I promise I’ll do my best to improve myself in that matter. Anyway, I should probably say something about the last months. How did I spend them? Mostly at home, unfortunately, but I was hardly ever bored. So many books had been lying unread on the bookshelf during the academic year and I finally had some time to read them. Furthermore, I got down to watching tv series and a few of them really caught my attention. Of course, not only did I stay at home, but also I went outside with my friends. As I mentioned in my previous post, I visited Natalia in her house in Malbork, where we spent eight awesome days together. I’ve got a lot of pictures as a token of that time. For me, this summer was great, but I believe the next one will be even better. I hope for getting a job and going abroad for a month or two. But first, I have to come through another tiring year at the university. May the force be with me!